Kids are indefatigable creatures. Parents, on the other hand, are not, and it can quickly get tiring trying to think up a new and creative activity for each day. But since spending quality time with family is so important – particularly while your kids are young – it pays to brainstorm some innovative ways of hanging out together. Luckily, we’ve done the hard work for you, so keep reading to learn some new ways to spend time with kids.

  1. One for budding authors

Kids have incredible imaginations, and one of the best parts of being a parent is listening to them air their crazy dreams. Make a mutual activity of this by helping your kids to pen their wildest stories. If they’re a little older, set a theme for the story-writing session – scary is always a winner, and if you really want to go all-out, you can dial down the lights and get everyone voicing their terrifying tales.

  1. Green hands

Getting your kids on the gardening bandwagon early on in their lives has been proven to significantly benefit their attitude both to the environment and their health, and by showing your kids the basics of gardening, you’ll be teaching them the value of sticking with and nurturing a project. Better yet, kids seem to genuinely enjoy getting stuck in outside (particularly when the seeds they’ve sown begin to flourish).

  1. Go on a photo-trail

Arm your kids with a disposable photo camera and traverse some of your local sights. Even if you don’t venture further than the town limits, a photographic investigation of what’s near you is bound to intrigue the young ‘uns.

  1. Painting

If you really want to extend their minds artistically, consider taking your kids to a local art museum or gallery – but rather than having them trailing behind you in tedium, ask them instead to look out for their favourite painting, and get them to recreate it when you get home. They’ll love having you act as artist’s hand, too, so put on your painting bib and line up the materials for your budding artists.

  1. Jump the day away

Rather than just dropping your kids off at sports practice, organize some collaborative and fun physical challenges that will allow you to bond at the same time.

How about starting with a trampoline? Trampolines are an essential piece of backyard equipment and offer years of fun while your children grow up. Wile away the time with your kids by making up routines, hosting gymnastics competition, or playing a good old game of “double bounce” as a family.


Kids at Canyon

Image Source: Unsplash

  1. Magical places

Every town or city boasts sites that will keep you and the kids entertained for hours. Whether it’s a heritage-listed castle or the expansive gardens of a local café, it’s not difficult for children to make magic. If possible, try to find out the history of the place before going (or to make it up yourself!), so that you can really invest the locale with meaning before the kids begin to play.

  1. Experimenting in the kitchen

Some of the fondest childhood memories are made in the kitchen, engineering green cake batters, decorating biscuits and making snow ice cream once winter sets in. Not only is baking alongside your child a fantastic way to get them thinking about the science of cooking, but it’s also a great cozy activity for a rainy day.

  1. Give them a taste of culture

Going to see a performance or a film as a child will help them to identify their passions and preferred activities. Whether it’s the ballet, a street-dance, a movie or a gastronomic experience out, each experience you offer to your kids will enrichen their cultural knowledge and perhaps yours, too.

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Sofia Lockett

Sofia Lockett is a freelance writer from New Zealand. She focuses her pieces on family and lifestyle having written for family friendly sites such as JumpFlex.

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